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Islam for life picture

What is religion? How to follow religion?

What is religion? How to follow religion?

Islam for Life Picture

We believe God/Allah. God/Allah send messenger and holy book. We need to follow that’s holy book. Religion name was  always Arabic name Islam. But followers name was different by different. 

Example: David-Jews, Jesus-Christians, Muhammad-Muslim.

Only God/Allah understand which situation need which holy book.
So, we need to understand God/Allah always one.
 God/Allah send lot of messenger and holy book. Whenever have born just we need to believe one God/Allah. Which messenger that's time need to follow him and which holy book that's time need to follow that's holybook.

Example: Who was David time those people need to follow David and that's time holy book. Who was Jesus time those people need to follow Jesus and that's time holy book. Who are born Muhammad time those people need to follow Muhammad and holy book the quran.  
[We need believe all of messenger & holy book, but we can’t follow all of them.]

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